Queerpocalypse v3.0 is this summer's not-to-be-missed epic battle against gender conformity through drag, camp, burlesque, circus, song & dance performances.
Hosted by the talented & lovely TAMALE - From near, far & wide we bring you this summer's bigger & brighter INTERNATIONAL show featuring:
Tito Bonito (LA), Crimson K Itty (NY), Crystal Swarovski (DC), The Yes-Men (Toronto), Peach Pies Caburlesque (Madison), Crimson Lace Cabaret (C-bus), SS-Triple-X, Plan 9 Burlesque, Jeez Loueez- The Powerhouse of the Midwest, The 1901 Damsels, Red Rum & Sanjula Vamana, The Power of Cheer, Dusty Bahls & Xandra Fairlawn, Queer Ass Folk, Down Hips Down, The Drag Mafia, and The Chicago Mo's.
Celebrate the QUEER legacy with a night of earth-shaking enjoyment - it ain’t the end of the world, it’s a revelation!
18+ // 9pm doors // 10pm show.
Tickets $23 - Available at the door or pre-sales with no fee available now online at: http://www.maynestage.com/events/?event_id=4227684
Get them before we sell out!!!
Brought to you by Ties & Tassels Productions (T&T)
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Earlier Event: August 22
World Famous *BOB*'s Third Annual Coney Island Drag Race - Burlesque at the Beach
Later Event: August 7
Dixon Place Presents: LADYQUEEN! A Femme Dragstravaganza